Tuesday, May 18, 2004

To all you blind fools out there

OK you guys really are thick aren't you...Were all of you perverts drawn solely to the testicles in that picture so that you didn't see the large letters that said "CYRILS BRAIN"??? Thus stating that those were indeed not my testicles posted on the internet? And most of you who commented call yourselves computer engineers...doesn't that title require an education to achieve? :)


Dave said...

Your first post, and that's the best you could come up with? ;-) You didn't even tell us what colour your brain really is. Talking about education, I changed your posting so that it was filed under "Brennan" instead of general.

emd said...

Man, I'd love to know what this post is about!

Dave said...

Trust me...you don't! ;-)

Shannon said...

Brenny.... the first step to recovery is admission. You don't have to hide behind the alias of "Cyril" because you are ashamed of your desire to expose yourself to the world. Hell... take some professional photos, publish them, and get paid for it!