Tuesday, November 30, 2004

No Blog Spamming For You!

Hey folks...as you've probably all seen (except for Dad who's never posted anything :( ), we've been recently hit by some blog-spammers. I think I should now have that under control. So hopefully no more ads for online gambling, cialis, or 9 inch extensions.

As a side note, I also upgraded WordPress from 1.03 to 1.2.1. If anybody has any problems, let me know.

Now, off to bed for me.

Happy Birthday Bren!

Since nobody else posted it, and I've just got 11 minutes left, I just wanted to wish Bren a happy birthday!

Just for you, there's 161 ways to say Happy Birthday!.

Hope you had a good one.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Week 17

Here is the summary for this week...no, this does not mean we know it is a girl, that is just how they referred to it in the article.

At 4 to 5 inches long and about 7 ounces, your baby is roughly the size of a large pear. And she's ripening--the brain, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems, and urinary tract are all functioning. Amniotic fluid is pumping through her lungs. Her skeleton, composed of rubbery cartilage, will harden later

Friday, November 26, 2004

Travel Tips For Backpackers

I was going through some old files, and found this one that Jen and I put together when we were travelling. Feel free to add your own to the comments, and I'll add them to the page.

Girly Man?

Even though two of us are wearing skirts, who do you think looks like the girl in this picture? Love ya' Bren! ;-)

Dresser and End-Tables For Sale!

Anybody want a beautiful dresser? With two gorgeous end tables? We've been trying to get rid of it for a while on Craigs List, but nobody seems to be biting.

Please contact us if you are interested, or leave a comment.

Happy (US) Thanksgiving

Hope everybody who celebrates it had a Happy US Thanksgiving. Mr. Paduan provided us with a fine feast, and Aki provided comic relief by chasing after his cats all night. We ate very well, even if the Turkey couldn't figure out what time it was supposed to be done. Being Canadian expats living in the States we are used to double-dipping on the Turkey, much to our pleasure. This year we actually triple-dipped on the turkey (maybe that's why I didn't do as well in my race) in that we had dinner with my folks, the Evans family, and at Paduans. No pictures of any of it, but here's some pictures we took near CDN Thanksgiving from a wedding we attended in Canada.

Craig, Flo, Jen and I dressed up with somewhere to go

Tara Watson (née Shaw) and her new husband Scott

The rose between one drunk thorn, and one who hasn't drunk enough

We're in Canada now baby! Snow and a Timmies! Does it get any better?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Virgin Mary Sandwich

A forward from Mom.... and sorry Dave, I still don't know how to "blue" it. If I had a spare $20,000 this would be a fantastic investment, don't you think??

Friday, November 5, 2004

re: fetal PrOn

As per the bottom photo, you can now understand why we refer to it as our little alien:-)

Fetal Pr0n

We're going where no other website dares to go...and you thought kiddy porn was illegal

Here's your first glimpse at online fetal porn! Three shots of a naked fetus! You are all sick I tell you, staring at this poor defenseless creature, who's receiving absolutely no compensation for these pictures. We do guarantee however that the fetus shown in thesepictures are above 5 wks of age....only a complete sicko would post shots of anything younger.


BTW the title is not a typo

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Week 13

Here is the latest on our little alien:

Your Baby
At the end of this week, your baby officially enters the second trimester of development. Although only 3 inches from crown to rump and weighing just half an ounce, it looks, well, human! It's eyes have moved from the sides of it's head to the front, and it's ears are in their normal position. It's also got reflexes--if you prod it, it'll squirm (although you still won't feel it), and it's hands and feet respond to stimuli by closing or clenching.

The photo on the web site is pretty cool, but i could not figure out how to download it...maybe for the next update I will.