I have been struggling to get to work on a regular basis, forgetting to eat, and suffering from spontaneous outbursts of songs, somewhat akin to Mary Poppins combined with Monty Python.
The onset of this ailment has been passed onto me by the ever so good-looking man in the (*another cheese warning*) photos below who goes by the name of Rodric. He informs me that I have caused equal chaos in his life, which is only fair. It would be unfair to disclose all of the information I have about him, but the general rundown is that he is so far the most thoughtful, caring, intelligent and attractive man I've ever met. The facts that he cooks like a chef, has traveled the world, speaks 6 languages, listens like an enraptured child and treats me like a rare diamond are all added bonuses. (My close family will find it ever so amusing that he has also been initiated into "Full Shannon Boyfriend" status because he has officially been down inside our septic tank and fixed our pump at the lake. That's right, laugh your faces off. I don't know where I find them.)
Without further ado, I offer you a couple of pictures. For a personal introduction, come to Grandma's birthday party on February 26th.

He's cute...why have we not heard of this until now?????
About time this was posted. No more pictures? Great to meet you, Rodric.
Wasn't it Felix Salten that coined the word 'twitterpated'?
ouaish...y a du fromage là! mais comme c'est mignon....
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