Saturday, February 18, 2006

Why am I gaining weight?

No this isn't the local supermarket....Click on the photo for a larger shot. Believe it or not, there's at least one of these on every floor in each building, stocked daily, and this is only about a third of it or less.


Mary said...

That is incredible! I guess you were warned about the Google 15, wewn't you? I can see where I would have a bit of trouble in th 'plex.

Shannon said...

That's dangerous. A PMS dream. Meanwhile I am worried when I forget my waterbottle at school because it's hard to find a functional water fountain.

Brennan said...

i pay 2 pounds for ten strawberries at my local super market....bite me

Chris said...

At least they have fruit.

Noelle said...

Wow - that's incredible.

So, now I can call you a granolahead and I won't have to feel bad anymore (says ths long hair in the Berkenstocks).