Tuesday, April 4, 2006

someday i'll beeee a part of yourrrr....WWOOOOORRLLLD!

Just for you shanny...recognize the scene? I couldn't go behind the rock, or find a rock with a better splash...but hey!


Shannon said...

Sexy. You are a big dork. And here I thought that the pic of the kiwi-mouse was disturbing.

Brennan said...

hey! it took julie and I a long time to get that small splash and the picture timed!! ...i thought the orange frog was the coolest one...

Dave said...

Bren, that scores way to high in the gayest picture of all time category. Where is the clam shell bikini top...

bren said...

I'm just trying to keep you and the guys at blue chairs happy! As for the clam shell bikini, i couldn't find one of those, BUT i did find cocunut shell bikinis! I just wasn't wearing it that day unfortunately...